Louis F. DeKoven
About Me
I completed my Ph.D. at UC San Diego in the Systems and Networking Group under the guidance of Stefan Savage and Geoff Voelker. I spent my time in graduate school using large data sets to detect and disrupt various types of malware and abusive activity.
Following graduate school, I joined Facebook Meta in 2019 to work on detecting and understanding targeted threats impacting Facebook users. In late 2020, I transitioned roles at Meta now support a team of skilled Security Engineers within Meta's Integrity and Investigation org that work closely with investigative teams to enable protecting against attacks to Facebook and its users.
Measuring Security Practices and How They Impact Security, Louis F. DeKoven, Audrey Randall, Ariana Mirian, Gautam Akiwate, Ansel Blume, Lawrence K. Saul, Aaron Schulman, Geoffrey M. Voelker, and Stefan Savage, Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2019.
Dissertation: Addressing Device Compromise from the Perspective of Large Organizations, Louis F. DeKoven, UC San Diego, June 2019.
Following Their Footsteps: Characterizing Account Automation Abuse and Defenses, Louis F. DeKoven, Trevor Pottinger, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker, and Nektarios Leontiadis, Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Boston, MA, October 2018.
Malicious Browser Extensions at Scale: Bridging the Observability Gap between Web Site and Browser, Louis F. DeKoven, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker, and Nektarios Leontiadis, Proceedings of Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2017.
Academic Service
Facebook Fellowship and Emerging Scholar Award Committee member, 2022
MADWeb 2021 Program Committee member, 2021
Facebook Fellowship and Emerging Scholar Award Committee member, 2021
MADWeb 2020 Program Committee member, 2020
Facebook Fellowship and Emerging Scholar Award Committee member, 2020